About the Toverboom
How it all started..
A place where you can take your child away with confidence, without worrying that the teachers do not follow your wishes?
I struggled with this about 3 years ago. I missed the warm home feeling, a piece of natural parenting, where children were given healthy food, often came outside, were fed on request, fell asleep without crying and treated my breast milk respectfully.
The Toverboom arose from this dissatisfaction and confidence that things could be done differently. Nowhere did I find this complete picture that I want so many parents and children.
Nobody is perfect, but we do our best to be really child-following and not just on paper. Of course we are dealing with protocols from the GGD and the government, but the fact remains that the well-being of the children is paramount.
Quitting my job, not knowing if this “floaty” vision (others say) would catch on, was a huge step, but the best I’ve taken in my life. It turns out that there are more parents who can not find their way at the large daycare centers. Now it appears that there is so much demand for natural care that even parents who live in other cities switch because they feel so at home and heard.
I am very grateful that this came my way and that I have the privilege of taking care of so many children. Also proud of the team that together we create a warm, loving environment for them.
Lots of love,
We have a small and close team and we try to simulate the feeling of a large family. Femke (the owner) also works on the group, so she can maintain close contact with the team and the parents. We approach all parents, cultures and visions that come to us with respect and an open mind. We find it important to continue to learn and develop both our professional and personal sides. Staying curious and up to date about the most recent developments regarding (breast)feeding, pedagogy, safety and attachment parenting is important to us.
We have a sincere interest in the child and try to approach them free of our personal opinions and interpretations. The child is allowed to play freely and feels acknowledged in their own abilities and strengths so it can develop unconditionally with of course our loving nurturing and support.
♥ eigenaresse ♥ oermoeder ♥ milieubewust ♥ hartvoorkinderen ♥ openminded ♥ bachelorofsocialwork
♥ waldorflover ♥ kunstzinnigtherapeut ♥ zacht ♥ lifecoach ♥ engelengeduld ♥ bijnavrijeschoolmama ♥ frobelmoeder
♥ gaatdeschoolbankenweerin ♥ zachtaardig ♥ organised ♥ gestructureerd ♥ motheroftwo ♥ zorgzaam